Farmer Bob, old B&B Mine, 2013 (mine is now closed and decommissioned) Available as a silver gelatin photograph
Buck, Little Buck Mine Available as a silver gelatin photograph
Buck is co-owner with his father of a mine which employs five people. Their old mine had been worked for 30 years and the coal seam had run out so they had moved equipment a quarter mile away and dug exploratory trenches
New Tattoo, old Little Buck Mine, 2011 (mine is now closed and decommissioned)
Matt was 19 years old and a new miner when I photographed him. His shirt sleeve was pulled up to show me his new Independent Miners of America tattoo. It is estimated that there are fewer than 100 independent deep miners left in Pennsylvania.
Randy, Orchard Slope Mine, 2011
Dave, D&F Mine
Larry, Superior Coal Breaker
Roberta, Orchard Slope Mine
Roberta is the only woman I have seen working at any of the mines during my project. She works above ground as a hoist operator
Bender Mine
Banks, Orchard Mine
Bob, Orchard Mine
Brian, B&B Mine
Craig, old Little Buck Mine
End of Shift, old Little Buck Mine
Haley, Harris Mine
Justin K, S&M mine
Justin, Orchard Slope Mine
Kerry, Orchard Slope Mine
Larry, old Little Buck Mine
RS&W Mine
Dale, Superior Coal Processing Co.
Wayne, Harris Mine
Old Little Buck Mine, now closed and decommissioned.
Smoke Break, old Little Buck Mine, 2012 (mine is now closed and decommissioned)Coal miner Bob Shingara taking a smoke break during the closing and decommissioning of the old Little Buck Mine. This building was soon torn down, and the miners hauled their huge equipment away to a new location. His family has been mining for three generations and most of his uncles, brothers and nephews are miners.
Wayne, Harris Mine
Rick, Little Buck Mine, Schuylkill Co. PA 2011
A 30-year-old hard living miner with multiple scars from accidents and bar fights, Rick ended up symbolizing for me the typical personality of many miners. What did I take away from my time spent with the miners? The relationships, the bonds, the ties that they have, the pride they take in what they do, and the pride they take in being independent
Craig, Harris Mine
Changing Room, Shingara Mine
Underground Crew, old B&B Mine
Banks & Matt, Orchard Mine
Harris Mine
Harris Mine
Underground Crew, Little Buck Mine
Little Buck Mine crew with dog
Orchard Slope Mine crew with dog
Justin, S&M Mine
S&M Mine crew
Shingara Mine
Bob Shingara
Bob Shingara
Craig, Changing Room, old Little Buck Mine
Daryl, S&M Mine
Farmer Bob, Bender Mine
Matt, Shingara Mine
Justin, Shingara Mine
Justin, Shingara Mine
Oscar, Harris Mine
Kersteters Mine
Buck, Craig, and Chris at Little Buck Mine