I'm a fine art and documentary photographer working primarily with film and darkroom techniques. Shop from my Sanctuary series, Landscapes, People, and Buildings (including Home/Land), and the slave dwelling photograph project.

Charitable donations from purchases are made to the selected charities.

Shop from my Sanctuary series,

Landscapes, People, and Buildings,

and the slave dwelling photograph project.

Charitable donations from purchases are made to the selected charities.

Gift certificates are also available.

Have questions or need assistance? Email me

Nov 23: If you’ve tried to email me recently and had it bounce back or you did not receive a response from me please try again using my alternate email joelandersonphoto@me.com My email host hover.com has experienced multiple outages lately and emails sent during that time bounce back or are not delivered. I’m in the process of switching hosts but in the meantime please use the alternate email or call/text me 717-919-4572